Hey Woman! Stop using marketing strategies that don't work...

Learn the Power of Storytelling to Attract 

and Get Dream Clients to Your Coaching Business!

with Certified Storytelling Master

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Imagine You Can...
  • Attract clients who FEEL perfectly aligned with YOU and your business BEFORE they even book a call with you so you can finally plan a much needed vacation and retire from a job that no longer fulfilled you 
  • Storm out into the world, declare your coaching niche, focus on attracting the RIGHT CLIENTS, and know exactly how to articulate your message that RESONATES with them so you can make an impact and be the voice for the voiceless! 
  • Differentiate yourself from competitors by showcasing your AUTHENTIC voice and UNIQUE qualities, while avoiding a slimy or pushy sales approach.
  • Have a solid ACTION PLAN with a SYSTEM in place to INCREASE YOUR SALES and build meaningful and purposeful conversations so you can get out there, and gain connections and followers that lead to coaching clients and paid opportunities. 
It is 100% possible for you to use a proven system and strategies to help you scale and grow a coaching business you love.  
No More Secret Coaching Business!

No matter how great your coaching skills are if you can’t get your message out to the people who are waiting to hear from you, you don’t have a business.


Infusing stories and creating a system in your marketing strategies is so effective AND it doesn’t come off as sleazy! 

In fact, stories will allow you...

✅ Connect instantly with your potential clients while feeling confident that you can serve and support them. 

✅ Stretch your creative wings through different platforms on social media to engage with your audience. 

 Captivate your audience and drive traffic to your coaching business by creating high-quality content that resonates with your dream clients. 


Attract Clients Through Storytelling

Discover the Proven Strategies for Reaching and Connecting with Your Dream Client 

  • Building a community around a coaching business so you can increase client referrals and word-of-mouth.
  • Establish your unique coaching brand identity, which can help you to attract the right clients and increase conversation rate by making your coaching service more RELATABLE and DESIRABLE to your DREAM CLIENTS
  • Connect with your audience on a deeper level and build trust by sharing your own experiences and struggles

In Attract Clients Through Storytelling, you'll also get all the systems and roadmaps you need to showcase your expertise and knowledge and attract more HIGH-PAYING clients while creating a lasting impression that is 100% AUTHENTICALLY YOU!

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When you implement this roadmap, here's what's going to be different for you...

Having trouble finding the right words to describe what you do and how you help
Articulating your offerings and target dream clients more effectively that enables you to make more sales and generate leads so you can be confident in attracting higher paying clients

Stuck on not knowing how to market your program to keep them on the edge of their seats
Build a passionate fanbase who eagerly supports you and eagerly awaits the opportunity to work with you so you can quit your job and live the lifestyle you desire

Feel Overwhelmed with trying to keep all your marketing efforts streamlined and effortless
Implement an easy-to-follow marketing plan to continuously build trust, establish authority, and increase visibility that allow you to scale your coaching business with a consistent flow of clients
Get Ready To Magnetize Your Coaching Business and Attract Your Dream Clients
Annnd...discover the freedom you can achieve with the coach's life below

What's Included: 

🏆 Life Time Access On-Demand Training Vault 


5 training module pre-recorded videos that you can go at your own pace as soon as you signed up. This means you can always stay ahead of the group..cause your coaching business needed to happen like YESTERDAY. Best of all...you can access this anywhere in the comfort of your own home on a mobile or desktop device.  You'll have a chance to submit your questions and request feedback while going through the videos.


🏆 Borrow my brain group coaching calls


Five 60-90 minutes of borrowing my brain until you get the total clarity group coaching call with me during the 5 week time. Exclusive insights and lessons just for this group. Like what? Well...that would be a surprise but it might look like you walk into the session and walk out of it thinking "Holy cow! Why didn't I ever think of that before?" Annnnd...the best part is you get inspiration from working with the power of collectives. (GOODBYE figuring things out on your own) 


🏆 Attract Clients Through Storytelling Private Community


So you can stay focused, and on track, get instant feedback on your homework assignments, and connect with your fellow ACTS members in a member-only community that is NOT ON FACEBOOK!  You can stay on top of announcements and all of my upcoming training sessions exclusively for members only! No more distraction from the noisy social media feeds that keep steering you away from accomplishing your coach's life dream! 


🏆 Complete System Workbook and Templates


BREAKING NEWS! Homework and worksheets aren't just for school anymore! When it comes to creating a system and strategies through storytelling, these bad girls are your secret weapon. Think of them as your own personal training session. Practice and feedback are key, and these assignments give you the chance to ground your thoughts and see what works and what can be improved. Plus, they give you a set plan to follow so you can stay focused and on track. Annnnnnd....let's not forget, they'll help you consolidate any brilliant ideas and creativities that come your way. So, don't be afraid to embrace the homework and worksheets, they're your ticket to success!


🏆 Success Roadmap and Implementation BONUS sessions 


Set you up to reach your mountaintop with a kickoff success roadmap call. I will guide you through the process of setting and achieving your goals and orient you with my easy-to-follow milestones design so you'll be on your way to success in no time. Wait! Before I send you out to the real world, bring your ideas to life with implementation calls. I will work with you to ensure your vision turns into reality with an actionable plan. This process will be a blast. Let's make it happen!


 7 Calls Total + Strategies + Action Plans

PLUS Extra Bells and Whistles


🏆 Email List Building Mastery  
🏆 The Podcast Creator Blueprint
🏆 Social Media Content Planning Template
🏆 The Organized Coach


(Annnnnd....a promise you'll never do marketing the same way ever again!)

Total Value of $2137


Pay In Full


(Save $200)

Sign Up Now!

3 Easy Payments


(monthly plan)

Sign Up Now!
I Got Your Back 100%! I will refund you 100% within 14 days of purchase — no questions asked!

I'm here to show you the SYSTEM and ACTION PLAN so you can reach your mountaintop


Weekly group coaching calls so I can hold your hand and walk you through this journey one step at a time.


A success roadmap call to ensure you have all the tools you need to move in the direction of your success.


A safe and supportive community with other peer coaches to hold you accountable on this journey to the top!


A framework you can use and repeat that has proven to get clients without being salesy.


Hey Beautiful Soul,

I'm Michelle.


I teach women coaches who want to attract clients who are perfectly aligned with them using the power of storytelling so they can turn a passion for coaching into a profitable business. 

Once Upon a time...I was just like you.....I had a lot of passion for coaching, but my passion didn't get my paying clients. 

Learning to identify the story within me opened up the doors to how I would communicate with my perfect clients.

It allowed me to play myself, not act as if I was someone else. 

But the best part?

You get to change lives along the way with your soul-aligned, authentic marketing.

Because I believe that unleashing your story is the key to attracting clients you love while inspiring and motivating people along the way.

What you need is a SYSTEM and STRATEGIES in place to apply and repeat—a proven roadmap that will lead you down the path of growth! 



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Here are all the bells and whistles to Attract Clients Through Storytelling

From Guessing to Knowing Your Perfect Client

Stop spending all day agonizing over your "I Help" statement and wondering where you can get more clients. Instead, with a proven strategy and brainstorming techniques, you'll storm out into the world, declare your coaching niche, focus on attracting the PERFECT clients, and know exactly how to approach them.

In module one, you’ll discover:

  • Who is your PERFECT client?
  • What characteristics do they have, and how can you ATTRACT them?
  • Identify YOUR unique brand voice that makes you shine with your story.

Craft Messages that Connect with Your Perfect Clients

Discover the magic of clients who know exactly what they want from your service the moment they book a call with you. Take the edge off of convincing your audience to buy and avoid sending them spammy cold marketing messages that actually hurt your business.

In module two, you’re going to learn how to:

  • Gain clarity on the pains, agitations, and dreams of your perfect client. 

  •  Find common ground with messages that resonate. 

  •  Bridge the gap between you and your dream client.


Storytelling Framework That Sells

Discover the unique storytelling framework that will help you leverage the power of storytelling to get more clients and sales in your coaching business without the icky stuff! Imagine your perfect client becomes the hero of your story, and you develop a better engagement with your clients because you understand what they actually want and can communicate via social media posts, short tweets, long-form posts, and emails that lead to trust, opt-in, and sales. Your audience will love you for it!

In module three, you’re going to learn:

  • The framework for the 3 types of storytelling

  •  Why storytelling works for your perfect client

  •  How to articulate your message so that it leads to action


Marketing Strategies to Attract Perfect Clients

Marketing is an essential part of your coaching business! The sooner you get out there, the sooner you begin to grow. Marketing for your coaching business is a daunting task. A key part of using storytelling to build your coaching business is setting targeted goals and developing your marketing strategy with a clear direction.

In module four, you’re going to learn:

  • How to create your business marketing goals so you stop wasting time.

  •  A more authentic way of finding your clients without the ickiness. 

  •  How to build your authority with a visibility plan that gets you booked. 


Supercharge Your Storytelling for Coaching Business Growth

It’s time to supercharge your story to engage and enlighten your audience so you can finally turn a passion for coaching into a profitable business while making a difference in this world. It’s time to stop the crickets in your business and instantly connect with clients who are perfectly aligned with you even before they book a call with you! No more procrastination and frustration in growing a thriving coaching business.

In module five, you’re going to learn how to:

  • Set up your marketing calendar and track your results. 

  •  Optimize your social media presence to get seen, heard, and hired

  •  Create a simple and easy client-generating funnel.

But Wait! These FOUR BONUSES Will ACCELERATE The Growth Of Your Coaching Business...
🏆 Email List Building Mastery

Unlock the secret to growing your business with Email List Building Mastery. Learn the strategies and techniques to create a targeted email list that will help you attract only the RIGHT clients and generate more client leads. I will guide you through the process of building and maintaining a successful email list, from creating compelling irresistible opt-in lead magnets to creating a consistent stream of clients. Also, include a template to create your welcome nurturing sequence and headlines that boost your open rates! 


🏆 The Podcast Creator Blueprint


Take your podcasting dreams from concept to launch. I'll cover everything you need to know, including setting goals, identifying your target audience, planning and preparing your podcast, recording, and editing, creating a speaker one sheet, and leveraging your podcast to grow your online presence. I will guide you through each step, ensuring that you have the tools and knowledge to create a successful podcast that resonates with your audience and takes your business to the next level. Ready to be on a podcast show? Be a guest on the Make It Visible podcast to kick-start your first podcast show! 


🏆 Social Media Content Planning Templates


Say goodbye to content creation stress with our easy and enjoyable plan. Discover how to create consistent and inspired content that will leave you feeling confident and excited. With a foolproof plan, you'll learn how to plan out the next 3 months of content for your coaching business in just one day with a bonus content template, leaving you more time to focus on what you love. Say yes to fun and effortless content creation today! 


🏆 The Organized Coach


No more scrambling and being overwhelmed! Say Hello to a system that will keep you organized, consistent, and stress-free. Learn how to increase your productivity in your coaching business with project management tools and templates to track and organize all your hard work without sacrificing your precious time. Say yes to a fun and organized business today! 

Are you a perfect fit?

  • You are a woman coach who struggles to share your message in a way that makes sense and resonates with your clients, but you're not sure how....
  • You are a woman coach who is a BEST KEPT SECRET but tired of having a BEST KEPT SECRET Coaching Business...
  • You are a woman coach who still needs to nail down your TRUE NICHE and start growing your coaching business with stories that sell....
  • You are a woman coach who wants to "GET CLIENTS' but feels very uncomfortable with the idea of soliciting and selling to your audience....
If any of these sounds like you, keep reading because you’re exactly where you need to be.

I can't wait to welcome you into ATTRACT CLIENTS THROUGH STORYTELLING

Let’s face it. If you’re here, you already know you’re interested.


This 5-week course uses a signature methodology to catch your clients with the power of storytelling so that you can build the trust, authority, and consistency you need in a growing, thriving coaching business. 

You will learn my 3-STEP ROADMAP that empowers you to be who you are, revitalize the audience you currently have, get them to feel excited, and boost your visibility so your audience will finally want to work with you! 


Join Our Waitlist
You may be asking yourself...
Create and Deliver your UNIQUE Story That Attracts Clients Who Feel Perfectly Aligned With You… Before They Even Book A Call!

Attract Clients Through Storytelling is a hybrid course designed for heart-centered, introverted women coaches who have tried everything they’ve been told to do in marketing and still struggle to get clients....with little to zero results.  

If it feels like you've been doing a lot of busy work, but you’re not getting the results you had imagined…

By the end of the program, you’ll…

  • Gain a deep understanding of how to connect and speak directly to the hearts of your dream coaching clients
  • Say GOODBYE to aimlessly jumping from program to program, wasting your time, energy, and money, and HELLLO to actually acquiring clients!
  • Get ready to build an enthusiastic community of raving fans who will sing your praises and spread the word about your business
  • No more searching for the elusive unicorn in your business, become the shining star that effortlessly attracts clients to you(..Arrrgg...finally No more struggling. No more worrying. No more wasting time.)


Get Ready To Attract Your Dream Clients TODAY!

What's Included: 

🏆 Life Time Access On-Demand Training Vault 
🏆 Borrow my brain group coaching calls 
🏆 Attract Clients Through Storytelling Private Community
🏆 Complete System Workbook and Templates
🏆 Success Roadmap and Implementation BONUS sessions 


 7 Calls Total + Strategies + Action Plans

PLUS Extra Bells and Whistles


🏆 Email List Building Mastery  
🏆 The Podcast Creator Blueprint
🏆 Social Media Content Planning Template
🏆 The Organized Coach


(Annnnnd....a promise you'll never do marketing the same way ever again!)

Total Value of $2137


Pay In Full


(Save $200)

Sign Up Now!

3 Easy Payments


(monthly plan)

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